2024 Main Page

Headstone Death Boners Headstone

Morgue Owner - Nick


Youngest Oldest Average Age Score Potential
Rhod Gilbert (55) William Daniels (96) 85.9 283


Name Known For? Birthdate Current Age Score Potential Status
Frank Caprio Frank Caprio The coolest judge on the internet 11/24/1936 87 13
Tom Skerritt Tom Skerritt The go to for a man's man in most movies 8/25/1933 90 10
Robert Crumb Robert Crumb LSD inspired comics 8/30/1943 80 20
Maggie Smith Maggie Smith Old broad from Harry Potter 12/28/1934 89 11


Anita Bryant Anita Bryant Homophobic twat 3/25/1940 84 16


Dr. Ruth Dr. Ruth She wants to help you get better boners 6/4/1928 96 4


Sepp Blatter Sepp Blatter Corrupt FIFA official 3/10/1936 88 12
William_Daniels William Daniels Knight Rider 3/31/1927 97 3
michael_ironside Michael Ironside THE 80s action hero 2/12/1950 74 26
Barbara Eden Barbara Eden Responsible for many first boners in the 60s and 70s 8/23/1931 92 8
Rhod Gilbert Rhod Gilbert Welsh Comic 10/18/1968 55 45
Donald Sutherland Donald Sutherland President Snow 7/17/1935 88 12


Robert Wagner Robert Wagner Hart to Hart 2/10/1930 94 6
Sophia Loren Sophia Loren Italian bombshell 9/20/1934 89 11
Robert Duvall Robert Duvall "I love the smell of napalm in the morning." 1/5/1931 93 7
Sally Jesse Raphael Sally Jesse Raphael She and Phil Donahue have been plotting against Oprah for years 2/25/1935 89 11
Pete Rose Pete Rose Good ball player, lousy gambler 4/14/1941 83 17


Lance Henriksen Lance Henriksen Science fiction and horror staple 5/5/1940 84 16
Lenny Moore Lenny Moore NFL Hall of Famer 11/25/1933 90 10
Ian McKellen Ian McKellen Gandalf and Magneto 5/25/1939 85 15
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